Kindergarten screening will take place April 22-23 and April 24 if needed, at the Bloom-Carroll Elementary School, located at 4955 Carroll-Eastern Road, Carroll, OH. Children must be 5 years of age on or before August 1st of the current year to be eligible to attend Kindergarten. This screening is only available for residents of the Bloom-Carroll Local School District. Appointments for screening can be scheduled February 26th through April 15th at 5:00 p.m.
Beginning February 26th, screening appointments can be made online by clicking the Make Your Screening Appointment link on the right side of this page or by visiting our website at and clicking on Bulldog Portal, Parent Resources, Online-Parent Teacher Conference Scheduler, or by clicking the link on the right side of this page
. Select 2024-2025 Kindergarten Screening to begin scheduling your appointment. Choose an available date and time and then click sign up.
Once you have entered all required information, including a valid email address, click on the "Sign Up for Conference" button at the bottom of the page. You will receive a confirmation email with your appointment information. Please keep this information in a secure place. In the event you need to change or cancel your screening appointment, you will need this information. We also use this system for Parent-Teacher conference scheduling throughout the school year. A complete guide for scheduling Parent-Teacher conferences can be found here.
All parents of students who attend Bloom-Carroll Local School District are required each year to complete and sign forms in Final Forms. You can access Final Forms by clicking the Final Forms link on the right side of this page. You must have this process completed prior to your screening appointment. If you have an existing Final Forms account with Bloom-Carroll Local Schools, you should log into that account and add your incoming Kindergarten student and complete all required forms, including signatures. If you are a new parent to the district you will need to register for an account in Final Forms. The window for completing these steps in Final Forms will open on February 26th.
Once you have logged into Final Forms successfully, click on the blue register student button (make sure you have selected the 2024-2025 school year, otherwise you will need to complete this process again). Please fill out all information, except Student Email. Please make sure you select Kindergarten as the grade for the 2024-2025 school year.
After you have entered all information correctly, click Create Student. A step-by-step guide can be found by clicking here.
If you need assistance with either of the two requirements above, please contact Mark Thomas, Director of Instructional Technology at 740-756-9798.
At your screening appointment, you will be required to furnish the following documents:
- Birth Certificate or Passport
- Proof of Residence (one of the following)
- Mortgage documents
- Signed and dated Lease or Rental Agreement with landlord's name and phone number
- Utility bill (Gas, Electric, Water ONLY)
- Immunization Records
- Parent Photo ID
- Custody Papers, if applicable
- If foster placed, legal court documents
- Special Education Records (IEP, ETR) if applicable
- Best Cell Phone number for us to contact for Class Dojo Account. If you do not have a cell phone with internet access you can also provide an email.
- Kindergarten teachers will use this information
to send you an invitation to our communication system, Class Dojo, when class lists are set for the new school year. The invitation you receive by text message or email will be an indication of who your child's teacher will be. You will get instructions on how to create an account for your child on the Class Dojo app or website when you receive this invitation.
*Failure to provide these documents could result in your screening appointment being rescheduled or cancelled*
We look forward to having you and your child as a part of the Bloom-Carroll family of Bulldogs. Thanks!